Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August 6

The kids slept until 8 o'clock this morning.  They  helped me get the breakfast sundae fixings on the table and dug in.

Our Proverbs Bible study was on relationships.  We had good discussions.  We were impressed with the depth of their faith and their understanding of scripture.  We liked what we heard from them.

We spent the rest of the morning at Topsey Exotic Ranch, always a lot of fun. Especially the time we spent with our friend the camel.

Mackensie chose Five Guys for hamburgers.  They liked the peanuts as much as the hamburgers.

Kyle chopped up a dead tree that had fallen during the night.  Daniel went fishing, and the other kids vegged in the den.  Good choice.  It was hot outside.

This evening the kids made their own pizzas.  They paired by twos to make their crusts.  What a variety of pizzas we had.  And they all looked yummy.

We watched the shark week shows again tonight.

I'll try to get pictures on here tomorrow.

Monday, August 5, 2013

August 5

We had breakfast burritos for breakfast.  We left the house at 10:15 for Belton and the Summer Fun Water Park.

We had a break at noon for a picnic lunch.  The kids stayed in the pool until about 4:00.

We had supper at Bush's chicken, a favorite with all.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

August 4

      Up at 7.  Cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and then off to church.  Lonnie and Norma came just as the kids got out of Sunday school, so they got to visit for a few minutes.
      Misty chose Pizza Hut for lunch.  I always eat too much there, but so did everyone else.  Except Gracie.
      We had a slow and lazy afternoon watching Shark Week programs on TV,  playing monopoly, and napping a little too.
      About 4:30 the kids decided it was time to head for the pool.  They played in the water a little, ate some watermelon, and jumped back into the pool.  Back in the house, Mackensie, Gracie, Luke, and I played monopoly while the others watched TV.
      We had tacos for supper.  Gracie had a better appetite tonight.  After supper the kids headed right back to the TV and the Shark Week program.  They are fascinated by it, but took a few minuted during a commercial to make root beer floats.
      Raiford and I are going to bed now.  The kids are still wound up.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

August 3

      Grandad, Daniel, Luke, and Misty were up around 6 a.m. to go fishing.  Collectively they caught 10 fish, but the big one got away.
      Grandad got the fire ready and the kids got the doughnuts ready to fry.  While we waited for them to rise, we had our Bible time.  The topic from Proverbs was contentment.
      We got a late start with breakfast.  The doughnuts were yummy, and they went fast.  After we cleaned up our mess, we raised the flag and said the pledge of allegiance.
      Inside out of the heat, we had a hot card game going on, while Gracie and I watched the Cosby Show.
      Luke chose Dairy Queen for a late lunch.  We were a house divided.  Four had hamburgers, and four had chicken strips.  Daniel entertained us with his origamy while we waited for Gracie to finish her ice cream.  She gave up when she started having a brain freeze.
      Back at the house, the kids got on their swim suits and headed for the pool.  And then more card games.
      About 5 o'clock Daniel and Luke went fishing again.  Kyle and Misty worked on getting the printer working like Raiford wants it to.  ???
      Cards, dominoes, and Rummikub.  This is a competitive bunch.
      Grandad grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for supper.  We had s'mores too.  Yum.  While we were outside they played some word games I had never heard of.
      We cleaned up our mess, and then they were ready for their showers.  I hear them talking about playing Monopoly.  Do they know how long it takes to play a game of Monopoly?  And we have
to get up early tomorrow.  They all want to go to the early service at church.  We'll see.
      We enjoy having these kids around.  Thanks for letting us have them here this week.

Friday, August 2, 2013



August 1

The grandchildren and their parents came this evening.  The parents stayed and had supper with us.  The grandkids got the air mattresses fixed for bedding down in the living room floor.  I don't know what time they finally got to sleep.  Raiford and I slept like rocks.

August 2

Luke was the first one up.  The others were slow getting started.  At Gracie's request we had chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast.

Grandad is doing the Bible time study from Proverbs.  This morning we looked at verses dealing with integrity.  Then the grandchildren were asked to tell what was most memorable about their summer.

A trek through the pastures was next on their agenda.  They came in hot and sweaty and ready for a swim.

Gracie chose Black Meg burgers for lunch.  They all agreed that they do indeed have the best burgers in town.

Then we were off to the Family Fun Center.  Grandad had given each grandchild a $10 roll of quarters to exchange for game tokens.  Believe me, $10 doesn't go very far in this place.  After they had used up their tokens, Grandad bought tickets for them to do the laser tag.  If we go back at some time in the future, I think they would probably prefer to do the laser tag twice instead of the games.

After a swim, Daniel and Luke went fishing while the rest of the kids played Rummikub.

Gracie and I made grilled cheese and pepperoni sandwiches for supper.  We added carrots and bell peppers to round out the meal.

And then came the main event, making homemade ice cream.  We enjoyed it while some watched Princess Bride and others played a game.

I think we're winding down now.  Raiford and the boys are going to get up early in the morning to go fishing.

That's all for Day One.  Signing off.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

COUSINS CAMP 2012 -- Friday

The last day of cousins camp.  It was a lazy sort of day.  Horseshoes,  bean bag toss, swimming, and swinging in the hammock.
Nancy and David came about 10:30, so we had time for a good visit with them.  We had chicken spaghetti for lunch, and then more of the same -- just hanging out.  For supper we went to the local barbecue joint.
The Bullards had the Suburban loaded and were ready to go by 8:30, but they waited until Gary and Shannon arrived.  They had enough time for howdys and hugs before they took our grandsons and headed for Bluff Dale.
Gary and Shannon spent the night, so we had time for a good visit with them too.  After breakfast on Saturday, they loaded their Suburban with a mountain of girl stuff, took our granddaughters and headed for Bryan.
The house is now entirely too quiet.  We loved having the sound of kids in the house.  We loved their laughter.  Expected their pranks.  And were blessed by the way they interacted.  We are grateful for the time we can spend with them.
And we are thankful that their parents allow us to have this time with our grandchildren.  It is a priceless gift.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

COUSINS CAMP 2012 -- Thursday

The kids slept late this morning.  We had another prankster last night.  When I started to make the chocolate chip pancakes this morning, I discovered that we had green milk.  So we had green pancakes.

It was a stay at home morning.  A little time in the pool.  A game of bean bag toss.

We went to Dairy Queen for lunch.  All the kids except Kyle got kids meals.  Daniel said the lady looked at him kinda funny when he ordered a kids meal.  But they all wanted the ice cream that came with it.

We made ice cream this afternoon.  I think it was the best we've ever made.  But I say that every year.

Frito pie for supper, a swim, baths, and then the movie Night at the Museum.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

COUSINS CAMP 2012 -- Wednesday

No alarm clocks went off this morning.  Luke got up at 7:20 and Misty followed soon after.  When they all had made it up, we had a breakfast of blueberry muffins and fruit.  We also had the Jerusalem melon the Greenes brought us yesterday.  It was a hit.

We had a good discussion on goodness, kindness, and patience.  We concluded that practicing these three consistently is a struggle.

After we raised the flag, we all pretty well goofed off while Grandad worked on the plumbing.  Yes, we had an overflow last night.

We left for the SummerFun WaterPark about 10:30.   The kids jumped into the lazy river as soon as we got there.  They took a break once in a while then jumped back in the water.  At 4:30 we headed for Killeen and the Golden Corral. The kids were all famished ands took full advantage of the buffet.

I thought they would be worn out when we got home, but they decided to take a little walk in the pasture.  I however headed for my recliner.

I hear the dominoes hitting the table. Sounds like another 42 game.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

COUSINS CAMP 2012 - Tuesday

The alarm clock went off at 6:30, and at 6:40 and still not a peep out of the kids.  A different alarm went off at 6:45 and at 7.  I finally heard a little movement.  They were up at 7:30.

In our Bible time we talked about love, peace, and joy.

Today was a breakfast sundae morning.  Yogurt, cereal, toasted almonds, toasted coconut, pineapple, banana, granola, chocolate syrup, caramel syrup, and lots and lots of whipped cream.

After cleanup the crew headed for the tank to fish.  I forgot to mention that Daniel caught some on Sunday, and he and Misty caught some on Monday.  They all went this morning.

When they got back to the house, we all just hung out playing with our phones.  The kids watched goofy videos.  Kyle introduced Grandad to Pandora, so he just sat around with his headphones on and patting his foot to the music.  It doesn't take much to entertain this bunch.

Daniel chose Bush's Chicken for lunch.  We had our fill of chicken, okra, mashed potatoes, and sweet tea.  They were full and happy.

Back at the house, Grandad got out the supplies for a little project he had planned.  It turned out really well, but I'm not telling what it is.

The kids played a game of croquet, ate watermelon, and took a dip in the pool.

We had make-your-own pizzas for supper.  After we cleared the table, Grandad and I gave the kids a glimpse into our lives beginning with their great grandparents down the family tree until they were added.

Our friends the Greenes called to ask if they could come over to bring us a Jerusalem melon.  When the kids heard that, they got busy cleaning up the living room.  All their bedding was still in the floor, and they had been wrestling and horsing around, so it looked like a storm had hit.  While we went outside to meet the Greenes, they worked a miracle in the living room.  It was neat as a pin.  I refuse to look in the office where they stuffed everything.

You would have been proud of them.  They shook hands with the Greenes and were on their best behavior.  They were excited about having Jerusalem melon for breakfast.

We have a prankster or pranksters in our midst.  They played a real doozy tonight.  But it has to be told in person.  You'll have to wait.

As I write there is a 42 game in progress.  We'll try to get them to bed at a reasonable hour.  Daniel reads them to sleep.

Monday, July 23, 2012

COUSINS CAMP 2012 -- Monday

The grandkids settled down last night and got a good nights rest.  Someone's alarm went off at 6:15 and they lay there talking quietly and listening to music.

Grandad was outside getting the fire ready for campfire doughnuts.

When the kids ventured outside, we had our Bible time.  This year we're discussing the Fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22.  We raised the flag and said the pledge of allegiance before a breakfast of campfire doughnuts and grapes.  We had a pile of doughnuts, but they were all eaten.

After cleanup four campers played 42 while Kyle, Gracie, and I played Bible Land.  Mid-morning we headed for Topsey Exotic Ranch.  After we got there it took a while to get the seats configured the way they wanted them, but having a budding engineer helped.  You know it takes a lot of planning to get things arranged so they can quickly retreat to the back of the vehicle to escape the camel.

Of course the camel is the highlight of the trip.  To see all those long legs flailing to get away from the stinky old thing was entertaining.

Pizza Hut was the choice for lunch.  A little down time, a little swimming, and some game playing filled the afternoon.  Oh, and they built a fort in the living room.  Remember those days?  But this one was on a large scale.  Picture the air mattresses and mats placed on end for the wall with sheets and such thrown over them.

Supper was chicken strips, mac 'n cheese and English peas.  They had good appetites.  Gracie even ate three chicken strips.

Grandad organized a bean bag toss tournament.  The score was pretty close, but Misty and Daniel was the winning team.

We roasted marshmallows tonight at Gracie's request.  I think I was the only one who ate a s'more.  I had told them about a recipe I saw, and they all wanted to try it.  It's waffle cones with peanut butter spread on the inside and then filled with a combination of mini marshmallows and chocolate chips.  Then you wrap them in foil and place them on the grill for about 10  minutes until the marshmallows melt.  I still think s'mores are the best.

They're at it again.  Another 42 game is in progress.  These kids are so easy to please.  I'm hoping they've worn themselves out so they'll go to sleep quickly.  I know I will.